2023 Head of The Christina

12 Womens Youth 2x

Race 12: Final @ 10:00 AM

1stGermantown Friends A (C. Appleberry)16:33.42
2ndGermantown Friends B (L. Cornejo)16:41.990.9%
3rdHaddon A (M. Dunn)16:42.290.9%
4thHaddon A (M. Baranes)17:14.374.1%
5thWalter Johnson A (R. Keehn)17:23.785.1%
6thNavesink River A (A. Weiner)17:29.785.7%
7thConcord A (C. Groff)17:31.895.9%
8thWalter Johnson A (R. Anderson)17:49.847.7%
9thGermantown Friends C (H. Alt)18:26.1011.3%
10thConcord B (M. Falconer)19:21.3516.9%
11thPassaic River (K. Aguila)19:32.6718.0%
12thNavesink River B (C. Braceland)19:54.8620.3%